DNA Presents Real Estate & Infrastructure Round Table & Awards (Best Architectural Firm of the year) (26th November, 2015)
The Economic Times presents ace Tech 2015 Design Wall 2015
foAID (Festival of Architecture & Interior Designing 2014 ) Excellence in Architecture & Design
The Economic times presents ace Tech 2014 Eminent Jury Design Wall 2014
The Economic Times presents ace Tech 2013 Eminent Jury Design Wall 2013
An Acetech Initiative Connect 2013
The Economic Times presents ace Tech 2012 Eminent Jury Design Wall 2012
Sakal Sanman (10th March 2012) (Bharat Yamsanwar)
The Economic Times ace Tech 2011 ACETECH 2011
Aplt20 Architects Premier League 2010
Snowcem Paints -CSI 2010 (Best Architect Firm of the Year)
Roca presents Indian Architectural Design Festival (IADF)
Best Citizen of India Award B.S.Yamsanwar for outstanding contribution to the Indian Society
IFSI (International Friendship Society of India (Vikas Rattan Award-1995) B.S.Yamsanwar